Password reset links in Next.js App Router

This guide expects access to the user’s verified email. See Sign in with email and password with verification links guide to learn how to verify the user’s email, and email and password authentication in general.

// auth/lucia.ts
export const auth = lucia({
	adapter: ADAPTER,
	env: dev ? "DEV" : "PROD",
	middleware: nextjs_future(),
	sessionCookie: {
		expires: false

	getUserAttributes: (data) => {
		return {
			emailVerified: data.email_verified

export type Auth = typeof auth;

Clone project#

The email and password Next.js example includes password reset.

npx degit lucia-auth/examples/nextjs-app/email-and-password <directory_name>

Alternatively, you can open it in StackBlitz.


Password reset token#

Create a new password_reset_token table. This will have 3 fields.

idstringToken to send inside the reset link
expiresbigint (unsigned 8 bytes)Expiration (in milliseconds)

We’ll be storing the expiration date as a bigint since Lucia uses handles expiration in milliseconds, but you can of course store it in seconds or the native timestamp type. Just make sure to adjust the expiration check accordingly.

Password reset tokens#

The token will be sent as part of the reset link.


When a user clicks the link, we prompt the user to enter their new password. When a user submits that form, we’ll validate the token stored in the url and update the password of the user’s key.

Create new tokens#

generatePasswordResetToken() will first check if a reset token already exists for the user. If it does, it will re-use the token if the expiration is over 1 hour away (half the expiration of 2 hours). If not, it will create a new token using generateRandomString() with a length of 63. The length is arbitrary, and anything around or longer than 64 characters should be sufficient (recommend minimum is 40).

// auth/token.ts
import { generateRandomString, isWithinExpiration } from "lucia/utils";

const EXPIRES_IN = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 2; // 2 hours

export const generatePasswordResetToken = async (userId: string) => {
	const storedUserTokens = await db
		.where("user_id", "=", userId)
	if (storedUserTokens.length > 0) {
		const reusableStoredToken = storedUserTokens.find((token) => {
			// check if expiration is within 1 hour
			// and reuse the token if true
			return isWithinExpiration(Number(token.expires) - EXPIRES_IN / 2);
		if (reusableStoredToken) return;
	const token = generateRandomString(63);
	await db
			id: token,
			expires: new Date().getTime() + EXPIRES_IN,
			user_id: userId
	return token;

Validate tokens#

validatePasswordResetToken() will get the token and delete the token. We recommend handling this in a transaction or a batched query. It thens check the expiration with isWithinExpiration(), provided by Lucia, which checks if the current time is within the provided expiration time (in milliseconds).

It will throw if the token is invalid.

// auth/token.ts
import { generateRandomString, isWithinExpiration } from "lucia/utils";

const EXPIRES_IN = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 2; // 2 hours

export const generatePasswordResetToken = async (userId: string) => {
	// ...

export const validatePasswordResetToken = async (token: string) => {
	const storedToken = await db.transaction().execute(async (trx) => {
		const storedToken = await trx.table("password_reset_token").where("id", "=", token).get();
		if (!storedToken) throw new Error("Invalid token");
		await trx.table("password_reset_token").where("id", "=",;
		return storedToken;
	const tokenExpires = Number(storedToken.expires); // bigint => number conversion
	if (!isWithinExpiration(tokenExpires)) {
		throw new Error("Expired token");
	return storedToken.user_id;

Form component#

Since the form will require client side JS, we will extract it into its own client component. We need to manually handle redirect responses as the default behavior is to make another request to the redirect location. We’re going to use refresh() to reload the page (and redirect the user in the server) since we want to re-render the entire page, including layout.tsx.

// components/form.tsx
import { useRouter } from "next/navigation";

const Form = (props: { children: React.ReactNode; action: string }) => {
	const router = useRouter();
	return (
				onSubmit={async (e) => {
					const formData = new FormData(e.currentTarget);
					const response = await fetch(props.action, {
						method: "POST",
						body: formData,
						redirect: "manual"
					if (response.status === 0) {
						// redirected
						// when using `redirect: "manual"`, response status 0 is returned
						return router.refresh();

export default Form;

Create app/password-reset/page.tsx and add a form with an input for the email.

// app/password-reset/page.tsx
import Form from "@/components/form";

const Page = async () => {
	return (
			<h1>Reset password</h1>
			<Form action="/api/password-reset">
				<label htmlFor="email">Email</label>
				<input name="email" id="email" />
				<br />
				<input type="submit" />

export default Page;

Create app/api/password-reset/route.ts and handle POST requests.

Lucia allows us to use raw database queries when needed, for example checking the validity of an email. If the email is valid, create a new password reset link and send it to the user’s inbox.

// app/api/password-reset/route.ts
import { auth } from "@/auth/lucia";
import { sendPasswordResetLink } from "@/auth/email";
import { generatePasswordResetToken } from "@/auth/verification-token";

import type { NextRequest } from "next/server";

export const POST = async (request: NextRequest) => {
	const formData = await request.formData();
	const email = formData.get("email");
	// basic check
	if (!isValidEmail(email)) {
		return new Response(
				error: "Invalid email"
				status: 400
	try {
		const storedUser = await db.table("user").where("email", "=", email.toLowerCase()).get();
		if (!storedUser) {
			return new Response(
					error: "User does not exist"
					status: 400
		const user = auth.transformDatabaseUser(storedUser);
		const token = await generatePasswordResetToken(user.userId);
		await sendPasswordResetLink(token);
		return new Response();
	} catch (e) {
		return new Response(
				error: "An unknown error occurred"
				status: 500

Reset password#

Create app/password-reset/[token]/page.tsx and add a form with an input for the new password.

// app/password-reset/[token]/page.tsx
import Form from "@/components/form";

const Page = async ({
}: {
	params: {
		token: string;
}) => {
	return (
			<h1>Reset password</h1>
			<Form action={`/api/password-reset/${params.token}`}>
				<label htmlFor="password">New Password</label>
				<input name="password" id="password" />
				<br />
				<input type="submit" />

export default Page;

Create app/api/password-reset/[token]/route.ts and handle POST requests.

Get the token from the url with params.token and validate it with validatePasswordResetToken(). Update the key password with Auth.updateKeyPassword(), and optionally verify the user’s email. Make sure you invalidate all user sessions with Auth.invalidateAllUserSessions() before updating the password.

// app/api/password-reset/[token]/route.ts
import { auth } from "@/auth/lucia";
import { validatePasswordResetToken } from "@/auth/verification-token";

import type { NextRequest } from "next/server";

export const POST = async (
	request: NextRequest,
	}: {
		params: {
			token: string;
) => {
	const formData = await request.formData();
	const password = formData.get("password");
	// basic check
	if (typeof password !== "string" || password.length < 6 || password.length > 255) {
		return new Response(
				error: "Invalid password"
				status: 400
	try {
		const { token } = params;
		const userId = await validatePasswordResetToken(token);
		let user = await auth.getUser(userId);
		await auth.invalidateAllUserSessions(user.userId);
		await auth.updateKeyPassword("email",, password);
		if (!user.emailVerified) {
			user = await auth.updateUserAttributes(user.userId, {
				email_verified: Number(true)
		const session = await auth.createSession({
			userId: user.userId,
			attributes: {}
		const sessionCookie = auth.createSessionCookie(session);
		return new Response(null, {
			status: 302,
			headers: {
				Location: "/",
				"Set-Cookie": sessionCookie.serialize()
	} catch (e) {
		return new Response(
				error: "Invalid or expired password reset link"
				status: 400